Jun 12, 2008


I have wanted to start this blog for quite a long time now. Some people take a few minutes to get started; some may take a few hours. But, being the lazy bum that I am, I am sure that I have created a record of sorts ( Guinness officials – please note ). It has taken me two years to get going. There are numerous living organisms with a lifetime way shorter than this. 
Anyways, now that the ball is set into motion, might as well express my gratitude to the one person who is to be held responsible in the following cases:-
1. Any kind of blasphemous post in this blog.
2. Mental tortures and emotional harassments being endured by the readers.
3. Any kind of financial, personal or material loss arising out of listening to any opinions given here.
4. etc.. etc.. etc…

That one person is my dear classmate, ex-colleague, roommate and lifelong friend – Mr. Anup Shende.
He has been literally pestering me to start writing this blog. My parents might not have told me to get serious and study, as many times he has hammered it into my head, that I should write a blog about all and sundry in my life. So, here it.. the culmination of two years of hard work (by whom.. you might have guessed)…
I would also like to thank all those people who were/are/will be directly or indirectly involved with all events/issues/discussions/places/trips/parties/fights/etc… I will be writing about.

As you might have guessed by now, am writing this post in the form of a preface. That’s because I intend to write it all in a book format, with chapter numbers assigned to every post.
Just trying to make it easier, in case a publisher decides to print this mumbo-jumbo and turn it into a bestseller. “Diary of a Guy” how does it sound? Had Anne Frank access to blogging, she could have saved a lot of pages (and earned brownie points with the environmentalists).


Kishor said...
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Kishor said...

Go ahead da...

May be u will be a Chetan Bhagat...

And i will be the publisher of "Diary of a Guy"

sandeepdon said...

good going som.......keep it up....and ha don't forget me......my name should b there in ur blog...[:-)]......chal bye...keep posting

Unknown said...

Holy Shit!!! Anshu you have your own blog???!!!!!!!..is this the height of boredom or is it a way of letting out all the creative and intellectual energies ? :)..in either case..good going!... now i am waiting phor a posht about aabhar PPBP durga pujo and general bong madness :)