Apr 21, 2009

Election Campaigning and VIP movement

I could not help but notice the stark difference in politicians' attitude when they are out for campaigning and otherwise. As I have written earlier, whenever these 'public servants' decide to translocate, it turns out to be the most trying of times for the public. Road diversions, traffic jams, two wheeler riders sweating it out in the sun, pedestrians waiting for eons to cross a road... The lesser mortals are kept as far away from the (atrociously long ) cavalcades as possible. Security is one of the primary reasons cited for this. But then, what happens when they are out campaigning? At such times, people are allowed to get as close as is humanly possible. They try to closely interact with everyone. Voters are hardly ever stopped from approaching them. Isn't their security of any concern then? Or is it that, they do not care when it comes to the question of garnering more votes? 
In the past 24 hours, I have been witness to both these kinds of incidents. Yesterday afternoon was when the BJP's top brass decided to show their faces to the people in and around HAL 3rd stage. The chief minister himself was part of one such road show. They even entered into the narrowest of lanes where reaching upto him was child's play. I myself drove my bike for quite some distance, along with the cavalcade. And in the second incident, while going to office today morning, I was witness to a VIP movement related traffic blockade . Traffic on airport road, near the command hospital, was held up for a few minutes, to let some official cars pass through. A cop was desperately signalling to all and sundry, to stay away from the road. The traffic from the opposite direction was stopped quite some distance away. Some people were left wondering, whether it was an emergency of sorts. But then, a handful of cars sped by, as if on a mission to save the planet. I am sure, it was nothing but just some 'public servant' who was going by. 

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